MAGIC: Edible Wearable Amulets Talismans
Eucharistic and phylacteric magic
Service Description
Edible Wearables We will focus on magic bowls (incantation or talismanic bowls), or paper that you eat and edible gold: part of this is a kitchen class. You can eat a paper amulet we make, or dissolve it in water and drink it, or dissolve it in a bath and absorb it through your skin! Or attach to your shower head and sprinkle over yourself. For these we will use food-safe inks, ie foodstuffs themselves. You will need edible paper for this class (edible gold optional). For gilding beginners, using edible gold is a cheaper (and delicious) way of learning something akin to the gilding process. Ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese and Japanese used edible gold. We’ll design our own amuletic phylactery: a diagram or text in scroll that you roll up and insert into a container that you then wear. The idea of miniaturisation is inherent in amulets/talismans: entire Qurans or Buddhist sutras are rolled up and worn in containers around the neck. You can buy them outside places of worship. We’ll consider the history and cultural spread of the evil eye (it’s everywhere), how to protect against it and the Seal of Solomon. Another fun and serious class for the end of the year and to close our magic circle.